These next several transcriptions will be a continuing series for the next few weeks. They all come from the military and pension files of Benjamin Wingate Hurd 1824-1904.
Declaration For Remarried Widow's Pension
May 1, 1920 [stamped]
State of Maine
County of Penobscot
On this fifth day of May, 1920 personally appeared before me a notary public within and for the County and State aforesaid Abiah Sargent who, being duly sworn by me according to law, declares that she is 89 years of age and that she was born June 5, 1830 at Weld, Maine.
That she was formerly the widow of Benjamin W. Hurd who enlisted [dated not known] 1861, at [not known] under the name of Benjamin Hurd as a corporal in Co. 2 Kansas and Co. 6 Kansas and died in the service having served therein during the civil war.
That she was married to said soldier December 31, 1847 under the name Abiah Lenord at Hopkinton, Mass. by Esquire Allard; that she had not been previously married; that he had not been previously married.
That said soldier died [date of death not known]
That she was not formerly pensioned as the widow of said soldier; that her pension or right to pension terminated because of her marriage August 8, 1869 to Samuel Sargent at Errol, N.H. that he died August 8, 1913 at Weld, Maine that she was not divorced from him; that he did not serve in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of the United States. That she did not marry again after the death of the soldier except to Samuel Sargent named above and has not remarried since the death of said Samuel Sargent.
Signed by Abiah Sargent
As an aside, the postmark on the envelope of this pension is August 23, 1990. I was so excited.
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