The Harrisburg Telegraph of 3 March 1910:
Under the headline: Steelton: Funeral of Mrs. Morrisey. The funeral of Mrs. Bridget Mary Morrisey, 67 years old, who died of pneumonia at her home on South Front Street, Wednesday evening will be held at 9 o'clock Monday morning in St. James Catholic church. Services will be conducted by Rev. P. F. Sullivan and interment will be made in Mt. Calvary cemetery, Harrisburg.
Mrs. Morrisey is survived by her husband, William Morrisey, one son, William J., six daughters, Mrs. John McCloskey of Robesonia; Mrs. Edward (sic) Berrigan of Hennessey, Oklahoma; Mrs. Andrew Nichols of Everette, Washington; Miss Mary Morrisey, Miss Margaret Morrisey, and Mrs. Michael Noonan of the borough; eight grandchildren, one brother James Cashin of Titusville, Pa.
The Harrisburg Telegraph of 22 August 1916:
Under the headline: Steelton: Heat Causes Two Steelton Deaths. William Morrisey, Civil War Veteran and Mrs. Emma S. Beshore Die From Illness Aggravated by Weather. Although there has so far been no deaths in the borough this summer directly attributed to the heat, two old residents died yesterday from causes which were thought to have been greatly aggravated by the recent hot weather. The two persons who died were William Morrisey, aged 85 years, and Mrs. Emma Styles Beshore, who was 61 years of age.
William Morrisey, a veteran of the Civil war, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. M.J. Noonan, 13 South Second Street, yesterday morning at 5.30 o'clock. He had been in ill health for some time and was visibly affected by the heat during the past few days. He had been a resident of the borough since the close of the war. Funeral services will be held in St. James Catholic church Thursday morning at 9 o'clock Rev. J.C. Thompson officiating.
article continues with Mrs. Beshore.
Mrs. Edmund (Johanna) Berrigan was Michael's great-grandmother.
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