From Strafford County Court Case #1805/48:
The Deposition of William Bean of lawful age who testifieth and saith on or about the 20th Novr 1803 at Capt. Senters I think Mr. Chase asked me to go to the Door to see the delivery of a horse and Mr. Wallace delivered to Mr. Chase a dark grey horse as his property free and clear of all incumbrences.
Qt. by Chase whether he knew any thing to the contrary when he delivered me the horse whether or no I had paid him for the horse.
Ans. I do not know neither did I hear them say.
Qt. by Wallas attorney: did you understand how or on what condition that horse was delivered to Chase
Ans. I do not know.
Qt. by Wallas attorney: was not Joseph Wallace then a prisoner by said Chase
Ans. No he was not.
Qt. by Wallas attorney: was not Nathaniel Wallace then a prisoner in Capt. Senter's house by Chase as an officer
Ans. I know that he was
Qt. by Wallace Attorney do you know of what sum
Ans. I do not
Qt. by Wallace attorney do you know who is known of
Ans. I do not
Qt. by Wallace attorney did you not you consider when the horse delivered by Joseph Wallace to Chase was in consideration of the execution, Chase, had against his father Nathaniel Wallace in part or full
Ans. I thought the horse was delivered to Mr. Chase for the debt or security of the debt but do not know for certain
Qt. by Wallace attorney was not Nathaniel Wallace at his Liberty after the Horse was delivered to Chase
Ans. yes
Qt. by Chase do you know whether Mr. Wallace was released by the horse being delivered to me or not
Ans. I do not know
Qt. by Wallace attorney did you not consider that when Joseph Wallace delivered the horse that Nathl Wallace was released from Chase
Ans. I did consider it also
Notification 17
Notifying and Justice 17
Subpoena 10
Summoning witness 17
His travel 6 miles 24
his attendance 40
Writing deposition 34
Swearing Deponent 34
Justice travel 3 miles 10
Total $2.03
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