From the most recent issue of The American Genealogist which just arrived at my door yesterday, p. 157. Speaking of the Fellows of the American Society of Genealogists:
"The only qualifications for a Fellow are the quality and quantity of his or her published genealogical work, usually compiled genealogy, not abstracts or methodology. At the meeting this year, it was proposed that "publications" include those online. The Society had decided quite a few years ago that digital/online publications did not qualify as permanent contributions to the field. At this year's meeting, much was said on both sides of the question: Online publication is becoming increasingly common and increasingly excellent, but it remains fluid and its permanence is uncertain."
I do find this sad, but certainly something I agree with. I've tried to get people to up their games on the Internet and have only been met with indifference to hostility. For the time being the real work remains in print.
I really miss your blog, but after reading this post I can see why someone with scholarly inclinations would cut back on digital publication. I do hope you'll pop in now and again to keep us informed about your print publication efforts.
Posted by: Madaleine J Laird | 02/18/2011 at 10:14 PM
Thanks for taking me to task last autumn as I began my research on Alice Martin Bishop (Plymouth 1616-1648). You urged I get off the interent and read the primary docs myself. Now you are partly to blame for my obsession -- Seriously -- thanks for suggesting higher standards.
Posted by: Erin Taylor | 03/14/2011 at 11:11 PM
They say that the genealogist has lead feet; too, he/she uses rear-view mirrors.
This? So retrogressive as to be comical.
I hope that you continue some of this more forward-looking effort. I have found your blog to be of much use.
Posted by: John M Switlik | 06/20/2011 at 09:04 AM
I think while internet genealogy is somewhat uncertain, it is however a great tool for many people who want to find about their family genealogy. Technology has such a big impact on people's daily lives nowadays that it may be a good idea to find a way to make genealogy's permanence on the internet a lot certain internet genealogy
Posted by: Account Deleted | 06/08/2012 at 11:13 AM
I have been able to complete a significant amount of family history by doing internet genealogy. I'm just collecting some of the basics for now. Maybe once I get into more details I'll have to go with the paper method. Thanks for this information.
Posted by: Jake Brady | 07/16/2012 at 11:52 AM