The Fulnetby's weren't very imaginative and named the heir of their line John Fulnetby for five generations. Therefore you have to sort through all the John Fulnetby's and assign to them a correct wife or wives.
- John Fulnetby born say 1390 was alive in April 1429 when he is named in a lawsuit with his wife. He was the son of John Fulnetby and Eleanor Skipwith. John married Jane (or Joan) Towers who was also alive in April 1429.
- John Fulnetby born say 1420. He married a daughter of Gerard Sothill according to the Visitations.
- John Fulnetby born about 1455 and died before 3 November 1528. He married twice, first to Elizabeth Eland by whom he had two daughters and then to Jane Dymoke born say 1465, daughter of Sir Thomas Dymoke and Margaret de Welles. Through this marriage all descendants share a descent from Edward I of England.
- Several children including Godfrey Fulnetby and Katherine Fulnetby and Elizabeth Fulnetby who married Gerard Sothill. Godfrey married a Goodrich which made him and his sisters near kin of the Bishop of Ely.
You can see that Visitations clearly note a Fulnetby and Sothill marriage but disagree when and which generation. However, by marriage #2 if provable Thomas Bradbury would have additional royal ancestry as follows:
- William I, "the Lion" King of Scotland with Isabel Avenal
- Isabel of Scotland m. Robert de Ros
- Sir Robert de Ros m. Christine Bertram
- Robert de Ros m. Margaret Brus
- Robert de Ros m. Laura (---)
- Margaret de Ros m. John Salweyn
- Sir Gerard Salvain m. Agnes Mauleverer
- Sir Gerard Salvain m. Alice (---)
- Muriel Salvain m. Sir Gerard Sothill
- daughter m. John Fulnetby
- John Fulnetby m. Jane Dymoke
- Katherine Fulnetby m. William Dynewell
- Anne Dynewell m. Henry Whitgift
- William Whitgift m. Margaret Bell
- Elizabeth Whitgift m. Wymond Bradbury
- Thomas Bradbury
*Caution. The above pedigree is rendered no good by the completion of the William Wentworth article which shows Sir Gerald Sothill married a Joan (---) Wascelin. The Salvain descent is thrown out.
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